Kenita Hidalgo

ABOG Approves AAGL’s EMIGS Training and Testing Program
Released May 5, 2022 Cypress, CA, May 5, 2022 – The American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists’ (AAGL) Essentials in Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery (EMIGS) validated Training and Testing Program was…

TSB8 and the AAGL 2021 Global Congress
Message from the President Released September 3, 2021 Response to the location of the AAGL 2021 Global Congress in Austin and Texas Senate Bill 8 Dear Colleagues, AAGL and its…

Joint Statement: Gynecology Social Media Ontologies
Released: May 21, 2021 Joint Statement Gynecology Social Media Ontologies It has become increasingly apparent that social media is an integral part of the public health equation, particularly during the…