AAGL Gynecologic Imaging SIG Webinar: Ultrasound Diagnosis of Disorders involving Cesarean Scar Defects
15 May @ 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm PDT
AAGL Gynecologic Imaging SIG Webinar: Click here to register.
Webinar Topic: Ultrasound Diagnosis of Disorders involving Cesarean Scar Defects
Presented by:
Sophia N. Palmer, MD, Jacobi Medical Center, Bronx, NY
Topic Title: Ultrasound Evaluation of Uterine Niche/Isthmocele in the Non-gravid Uterus
Caterina Exacoustos MD, PhD, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Rome, Italy
Topic Title: Ultrasound Diagnosis of Cesarean Scar Pregnancy (CSP)
Moderated by:
Yvette S. Groszmann, MD, MPH
Webinar Description: The webinar will include two presentations regarding Ultrasound Diagnosis of Disorders involving Cesarean Scar Defects:
1. Ultrasound Evaluation of Uterine Niche/Isthmocele in the Non-gravid Uterus.
2. Ultrasound Diagnosis of Cesarean Scar Pregnancy (CSP).
Webinar Course Objective(s): The objective of the webinar is to present how to characterize and diagnose the following disorders involving cesarean scar defects:
1. Uterine Niche/Isthmocele
2. Cesarean Scar Pregnancy